What if they were to meet
in the cloistered garden, there on Iona,
What would they say to one another?
+ I am the Bride of Christ.
• I am the bride of no man.
+ I clothe myself in humility and walk in silence.
• I paint my naked body and scream into the wind.
+ I do good works.
• I carry a wee knife.
+ I spend most precious hours here among the sacred texts.
• I read the ogham of trees, the placement of stars, the auguries of birds.
+ I yearn in passion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
• I embrace the deep-beating thrum of the stone.
+ I await the soft light of blessedness to imbue me.
• I call down the lightning from the dark.
+ I know that I am a child of God.
• I am a woman fully grown.
+ My world is within these graceful walls.
• My world surrounds yours utterly.
+ I partake of the Body and Blood.
• I eat the dripping honeycomb pulled from the hive,
the mistletoe pearls cut in moonlight from the ancient oak.
+ Evening comes; soon bells will ring for prayer in candlelight.
• Night comes, stirring the long grass;
stars call me to dance among their multitude.
+ I must go in.
• I must go out.
+ Farewell my wild sister. Go with God.
• Fare thee well, Sister. In Awen we are one.
July 6, 2020 at 8:58:38 PM